Lots of individuals that work at heights are not even aware of the kind of height safety equipment they should use. This is as such people are ignorant of potential accidents and what causes them. This article lists the 5 most common and foremost causes of accidents when people are working at heights and a few tips about how they can be avoided.
- Fragile roofs
These are elevated surfaces that feature the potential risk of falling under any pressure from unexpected loads. All roof surfaces must be taken as fragile until somebody that’s competent has looked at them. Workers that sit or step on fragile roofing materials risk slipping or falling from heights which could end in fatal tragedies. Additionally, falling equipment and materials could pose serious risk to individuals working below. To decrease the risks, a risk assessment could be done before working on any roofs to figure out fragile roof materials and surfaces. Proper support and access materials must be utilized and workers should also wear proper footwear.
- Unprotected edges
This implies working or walking surfaces both vertical and horizontal which feature no fall protection. Operating from surfaces that feature unprotected edges put workers at potential risk of tumbling, suffering real injuries, and in extreme instances, fatalities. To alleviate such risks, the authorities direct that all employees must be safeguarded by guard rail systems, safety nets, and individual fall arrest systems when working or walking surfaces that are 6 feet or more atop a lower level. In fact, this is among the foremost reasons why some firms even purchase height safety equipment in Sydney.
- Falling materials
This implies bricks, tools, tiles, wood cuttings, as well as other varying materials that are common on construction sites which, could come loose and actually fall onto workers. Even small items could bring significant damage to structures and individuals when they are dropped from heights. To prevent this, there are hazards that must be recognized and controlled so as to decrease the potential risk of falling materials getting workers injured. Additionally, there must be sufficient warning on the jobsite.
- Unstable equipment
This means equipment like towers, ladders, scaffoldings, and platforms that are not stable enough to be taken as safe. Utilizing unstable equipment puts your workers at potential risk of losing their balance which could end in dropping materials and falling. Though inherent risks are there when utilizing such materials at heights, appropriate maintenance and use must be ensured to decrease the risk to levels that are acceptable.
- Weather conditions
This means adverse weather conditions that could affect workers, equipment, work surfaces, and materials. The authorities require that employers provide their workers with safety equipment free of charge in every instance, and workers are required to wear PPE that’s compatible with the weather condition in which they will be working in to get the potential risk of hazards fully minimized.
Taking the high-risk level of working at heights into consideration, workers and employers must first assess the necessity of the task in relation to what needs to be done. Nevertheless, if it’s unavoidable, they must understand the most common accident causes and the required height safety equipment to use.